What are we focused on?

We acknowledge that there are many differing opinions on vaccines and mandates. AC urges churches, organisations, and Christians to maintain peace and unity with each other despite our differing views. 

  • Australian Christians supports the right of every person to make wise decisions regarding their own health and well being.
  • AC generally supports the use of vaccinations; believing that vaccinations have prevented many debilitating diseases and saved countless lives.
  • AC opposes the implementation of coercive vaccine mandates which result in loss of personal autonomy, imbalance of power, and loss of individual and families’ livelihoods.
  • AC supports compassionate and conscientious exemptions for Covid- 19 vaccinations, for those who are opposed to it, have immunity, or wanting to wait for alternative COVID treatments.
  • AC will keep pushing for a sensible road map out of lockdown to ensure people and businesses have hope and certainty going forward.
  • AC champions freedom of speech and expression and will continue to highlight gaps in our health and social systems.
  • AC calls for more funding for Chaplains and counselling services who are supporting children, young people and families experiencing mental health issues, loss of income and isolation due to the pandemic.
  • Australian Christians will continue in its efforts to be a political voice for sensible policies that promote hope, clarity, freedom, and truth.

We need to continue to pray for our government and those in authority; for righteousness, and that they will lead with wisdom and compassion.

Mother and child


Take a stand against the inhumane treatment of babies and children. 

Thank you for becoming part of the solution.

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