The Australian Christians are strongly opposed to the sexualisation of children. We condemn Big W’s decision to stock Welcome to Sex, a graphic sex guide for children that has been rightly condemned by fair-minded people all across the country.

A few weeks ago, Australian parents became privy to a perverted book being stocked on the shelves of one of the nation’s largest retailers, thanks to an Instagram video by podcast host Chris Primod.

Big W’s now infamous book is called ‘Welcome to Sex: Your no-silly-questions guide to sexuality, pleasure and figuring it out,’ and is written by Dr Melissa Kang and Yumi Stynes.

Published by children’s publisher Hardie Grant, the book contains detailed descriptions and graphic illustrations of penetrative sex, including ‘fingering’, ‘oral sex’ and ’69’; homosexual practices like ‘scissoring’ and ‘anal sex’; and instructions on how to masturbate.

‘Welcome to Sex’ also promotes gender ideology — the notion that children can be born in the wrong body.

The book has been roundly condemned by parents and other concerned adults for its overt attempts, on page after page, to sexualise young children.

Officially, the book is marketed to children aged 11 and up, though prior to its launch, Stynes said she would “be happy with a mature and smart eight-year-old having a flick through”.

The book’s cheer squad, led by the taxpayer-funded ABC, is celebrating the book for “providing comprehensive and inclusive sex education”.

The secret they want kept under wraps is that the book’s contents are too explicit even for daytime radio shows and social media platforms.

As reported by Sky News:

2GB host Ben Fordham spoke about the book on his radio program and said he had to be careful how he discussed it as it featured inappropriate subject matter.

Fordham played the audio from the podcaster’s video where he flicks through the book mentioning the various topics that are discussed, with most of the audio required to be bleeped out because of its crude nature.

Likewise, CEO of Woman’s Forum Australia Rachael Wong posted about the book on her LinkedIn profile in a bid to sound the alarm about its subject matter. Her post was soon taken down for breaching LinkedIn’s policies on adult nudity and sexual activities.

The Australian Christians are appalled at the legacy media’s defence of the book and its accusation that concerned Australians are guilty of importing “Trumpism” and “US culture wars”.

The Aussie crybully routine is as tired as it is predictable.

First, radical activists Down Under promote the latest perversion popular in America’s large coastal cities. Then, everyday Australians push back and insist such things are not needed or welcome in our country. Finally, the activists who started the trouble accuse their opponents of “igniting a US culture war” in Australia.

If there’s one certainty about the so-called culture wars, it’s that the villains always play victim and love to portray their opponents as the bad guys.

Shame on the national broadcaster for playing along with the charade.

Stynes has defended her book by claiming it is a better alternative to internet pornography for children curious about sex. In reality, ‘Welcome to Sex’ simply provides more internet search terms for the otherwise innocent and naive. The book is a gateway drug to the very pornography Stynes ostensibly condemns.

The Australian Christians believe that age-appropriate sex education is the role of parents, not progressive activists.

We welcome the news that Big W has removed the book from its stores but ask the retailer to go further by scrapping the title from its online store too.

Books pitched at eight year olds with content too crude for mature audiences have no place in a family department store.

Finally, the Australian Christians express regret that Australia’s major political parties have failed once more to speak up against the grooming of Australian children.

Australia needs courageous leaders, which is why we urge you to stand with the Australian Christians for the safety and dignity of our nation’s children.

Mother and child


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