How to Vote

The Rockingham state by-election is scheduled for 29 July 2023. This event follows the resignation of Premier and sitting Labor MP Mark McGowan on 8 June 2023. Among the party candidates for the Rockingham election is Mike Crichton, president of the Australian Christians.

Rockingham comprises a vibrant community, beautiful natural features and economic importance for Western Australia. Mike Chricton, in the coming by-election for Rockingham, will help to secure the future for Rockingham and Western Australia.

For information on how to vote in WA see our informative guide on “How to vote in Western Australia.”

Mike Chricton is the AC candidate for the Rockingham by-election in 2023

About Mike Chricton | Rockigham by-election candidate

Mike embodies AC’s shared values and has the vision and integrity to make a lasting impact in our community in Rockingham. We couldn’t think of a better representative than our own WA State President, and local to Rockingham resident, Mike Crichton.

Mike is married to Jayne; they have 3 children and 6 grandchildren.

Mike is currently a radio presenter on 98five Sonshine FM and engages with thousands of people across Perth weekly, which gives him insight into what’s happening in our community.

Mike has always had a keen interest in politics with a few areas of interest, but not limited to strengthening families, freedom of speech and improving quality of life for our seniors.

Mike spent 14 years as a senior manager for an international transport company and 8 years with the WA Department of Training supporting and mentoring employers and apprentices to complete their apprenticeship.

Before joining 98five Sonshine FM, Mike spent 4 years as the Business Manager at Nations Church Perth. Commencing in 2020, Mike and his wife Jayne felt called and played a key role in establishing Neuma Church Perth, with Mike also a member of the Global Neuma Church Board.

Rockingham State By-Election Information

Rockingham By-Election 2023

2: Early Voting

Early voting will be available from Wednesday 12 July to Friday 28 July 2023.

Vote Early in WA:

Early Vote CenterDetails
5/8-10 Commodore Drive, RockinghamOffice Hours:
Weekdays: 8am – 6pm
Saturday 22 July: 8am – 6pm
Thursday 27 July: 8am – 9pm
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
WA Electoral Commission – Level 2, 111 St Georges Tce, PerthOffice Hours:
Weekdays: 8:30am – 4:30pm
Friday 28 July: 8:30am – 6:00pm
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes

Vote Early Interstate:

Electoral Commission – Australian Capital TerritoryOffice Hours: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Address: Level 5 Nara Centre, 3 Constitution Ave Canberra ACT 2601
Electoral Commission – New South WalesOffice Hours: 9:00am- 5:00pm
Address: 231 Elizabeth Street Sydney NSW 2000
Electoral Commission – Northern TerritoryOffice Hours: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Address: Level 3 TGC Centre, 80 Mitchell Street Darwin NT 0800
Electoral Commission – South AustraliaOffice Hours: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Address: Level 6/60 Light Square, Adelaide SA 5000
Electoral Commission – TasmaniaOffice Hours: 8:45am – 5:00pm
Address: Level 3 169 Main Road, Moonah TAS 7009
Electoral Commission – VictoriaOffice Hours: 8:30am – 5:00pm
Address: Level 11/530 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Electoral Commission of QueenslandOffice Hours: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Address: Level 20, 1 Eagle Street, Brisbane QLD 4001

3: Polling Day

Vote in person on 29 July 2023:

Bungaree Primary SchoolHours: 8am – 6pm Address: 9 Centaurus Street, Rockingham
Charthouse Primary SchoolHours: 8am – 6pm Address: 43 Rand Avenue, Waikiki
Cooloongup Primary SchoolHours: 8am – 6pm Address: 21 Westerly Way, Cooloongup
East Waikiki Primary SchoolHours: 8am – 6pm Address: 21 Gibb Road, Cooloongup
Hillman Primary SchoolHours: 8am – 6pm Address: 25 Unnaro Street, Hillman
Rockingham Beach Primary SchoolHours: 8am – 6pm Address: 30 Bay View Street, Rockingham
Rockingham Senior High SchoolHours: 8am – 6pm Address: 15 Read Street, Rockingham
Rockingham Polling CentreHours: 8am – 6pm Address: 5/8/10 Commodore Drive, Rockingham
Safety Bay Primary SchoolHours: 8am – 6pm Address: 2 Waimea Road, Safety Bay
Safety Bay Senior High SchoolHours: 8am – 6pm Address: 80 Malibu Road, Safety Bay

Note: All the locations listed above are wheelchair accessible.

Electorate Information

The District of Rockingham covers the below suburbs.

  • Rockingham
  • East Rockingham
  • Safety Bay
  • Shoalwater
  • Garden Island
  • Hillman
  • Peron
  • Parts of Cooloongup
  • Parts of Waikiki

HOW TO VOTE: “How to Vote Card” will be released shortly.

How to Vote Card Rockingham By-Election
How to Vote Card PDF How to Vote Card Rockingham by election


Early voting commences 12th July 2023.

Voting day is 29th July 2023.

Apply for postal voting here.

More information:

See the WA Electoral Commission for further details.

Background to the Rockingham by-election 2023

The electoral district of Rockingham was first contested at the 1974 Western Australian state election and has been held by the Australian Labor Party since its inception. The district encompasses the City of Rockingham and its surrounding areas, located 47 km south-southwest of the Perth CBD by the coast near the Cockburn Sound inlet. The district is adjacent to several maritime and resource-industry installations and offshore is home to Australia’s largest naval fleet and submarine base at Garden Island.

Candidates for the Rockingham By-Election

Australian ChristiansMike Chricton
LaborMagenta Marshall
LiberalPeter Hudson
IndependentHayley Edwards
Legalise CannabisRae Cottam
GreensMadeleine De Jong
IndependentClive Galletly
IndependentPeter Dunne

Previous Election Results

The 2021 Western Australian state election saw Mark McGowan from the Labor party receive a two-party-preferred vote (TPP) of 87.7%, one of the highest margins in both federal and state elections in Australia.

Election YearLabor TPPLiberal TPP

For more detailed information, please visit the official Wikipedia page.

General and Frequently Asked Questions about by-elections

General Questions

Q1: What is a by-election?
A by-election is a special election held when a seat in the Legislative Assembly becomes vacant due to reasons other than the expiration or dissolution of Parliament, such as a resignation. The electorate affected then votes to elect a new member.

Q2: Is voting compulsory in a by-election?
Yes, once enrolled, voting is compulsory.

Rockingham By-Election Specific

Q3: When is the Rockingham by-election?
The Rockingham by-election is scheduled for Saturday, 29 July 2023. Polling places in the district will be open from 8 am to 6 pm. Please note that electors will not be allowed to enter a polling place after 6 pm.

Q4: How many electors are in the Rockingham electorate?
As of 31 March 2023, there were 30,274 electors residing in Rockingham. This figure will be updated after the electoral roll closes at 6 pm on Friday, 16 June 2023.

Q5: Who is the Returning Officer for the Rockingham by-election?
The Returning Officer for this by-election is Gregg Boalch. You can contact him via email at or by phone at 0436 966 063.

Voting and Enrolment

Q6: Where can I vote on polling day?
Information about polling places will be available on the Commission’s website:

Q7: How do I check my enrolment?
You can check your enrolment status on the Western Australian Electoral Commission website ( Please ensure your enrolment is up to date before the roll closes at 6 pm on Friday, 16 June 2023.

Q8: How can I enrol to vote?
You can complete and submit an enrolment form online or download one from Hard copy forms are also available from the offices of the Australian Electoral Commission and the Western Australian Electoral Commission. Please remember to sign the form and include proof of identity. Completed forms must be returned by 6 pm on Friday, 16 June 2023 to be included on the Electoral Roll for this election.

Q9: How can I cast an early vote?
Early voting centres will be open from Wednesday, 12 July to Friday, 28 July. Locations will be available on the Western Australian Electoral Commission website. Alternatively, you can apply for a Postal Vote by completing an application form available from Friday, 9 June at Postal vote applications close on Wednesday, 26 July.

Candidates and Nominations

Q10: Who are the candidates for the Rockingham by-election?

  • Mike Chricton (Australian Christians)
  • Magenta Marshall (Labor Party)
  • Peter Hudson (Liberal Party)
  • Hayley Edwards (Independent)
  • Rae Cottam (Legalise Cannabis)
  • Madeleine De Jong (Greens)
  • Clive Galletly (Independent)
  • Peter Dunne (Independent)

Polling and Advertising

Q11: Where and when will the declaration of nominations take place?
The declaration of nominations will be at the Gary Holland Community Centre in Rockingham. The Returning Officer will be present here from 11 am to 12 noon on Friday, 23 June 2023 to accept final nominations. At 12 noon, the Returning Officer will declare the names, occupations, and residences of all nominated candidates and conduct the draw of the position of candidates’ names on the ballot paper.

Q12: What are the boundaries of a polling area?
The boundaries of the polling area for each polling place are within a 100-metre radius from each entrance to the

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