WA’s Abortion legislation wrapped up this week, with a majority of members voting to pass the reforms in the upper house. This is a troubling turning point.
AC’s State Director, Maryka Groenewald, was the principal petitioner raising awareness of these amendments, with the support of Kate Doust and other organisations. Together, we mobilised 5600 people to sign and support.
The prolife groundswell is growing.
We thank Kate Doust and Nick Goiran for their diligent efforts in addressing the importance of amendments.
The Australian Christians Party, have always been steadfast in our commitment to the unborn, babies, and their mothers.
It is now unmistakably evident: the parliamentary landscape has changed and we can no longer support the wrong parties and candidates.
We need courageous AC MP’s who will unashamedly defend life, families and freedom.
Together, we proposed several amendments aimed at safeguarding both unborn children and their mothers:
- Insisting on mandatory considerations for doctors performing post-23 week abortions.
- Proposing a ban on abortions for babies diagnosed with Down Syndrome.
- Championing an amendment against sex-selective abortions.
- Encouraging doctors to inform about available counselling, taking a cue from practices in South Australia.
- Stressing the need for immediate medical care for babies born alive post-abortion.

This beckons the question: Why would MPs oppose these reasonable amendments?
By spotlighting the support for these reforms, or the lack of it, from various MPs, we can ensure we do not reward these MPs with our vote! It is time for the pro-life communities to get involved in defending the sanctity of life and to vote according to their non negotiables.
Amendment to retain 20 weeks instead of extending to 23 weeks.
DEFEATED 4 vs 27.
Supported by:
- Dawkins
- Doust
- Goiran
- Thomson
Amendment to require that one of the two doctors be an obstetrician/gynaecologist for any post-23-week abortion (recommended by the Australian Medical Association).
DEFEATED 8 vs 24.
Supported by:
- Goiran
- Doust
- Dawkins
- Thomson
- Sibma
- Martin
- Collier
Amendment to insert mandatory considerations before a doctor performs a post-23 week abortion.
DEFEATED 7 vs 25.
Supported by:
- Doust
- Goiran
- Dawkins
- Thomson
- Sibma
- Martin
- Tucker
Amendment to prohibit abortions for babies diagnosed with Down Syndrome.
DEFEATED 3 vs 25:
Supported by:
- Goiran
- Doust
- Dawkins
Amendment to prohibit abortions for sex selection.
DEFEATED 12 vs 19:
Supported by:
1. Doust
- Goiran
- Dawkins
- Sibma
- Martin
- Collier
- Tucker
- Aldridge
- De Grussa
10. Moermond - Walker
- Pritchard
Amendment mandating that doctors must offer information about counselling (they do in South Australia).
DEFEATED 6 vs 25:
Supported by:
- Doust
- Goiran
- Dawkins
- Thomson
- Faragher
- Collier
Amendment mandating medical care for babies who are born alive after an abortion procedure, but left to die:
DEFEATED 9 vs 23:
Supported by:
- Doust
- Goiran
- Thomson
- Faragher
- Collier
- Sibma
- Aldridge
- Pritchard
- Thomas
The government’s overarching stance was crystal clear as they refrained from supporting a single amendment centred on the dignity, life, and well-being of babies and mothers. This has led many to question the values of the current government and WA’s Health Minister, Amber Jade Sanderson.
Our hope during the amendment debates was for our MPs to consider the broader implications of abortion. By doing so, we could have fostered an environment where women’s experiences are recognised, and they are provided with the necessary support and information.
These reforms will have profound implications on women and babies. The proposed provision ensuring doctors inform about counselling, which is a standard practice in South Australia, unfortunately did not pass. Such provisions are crucial, especially in light of the tragic cases like that of Emma Beck, who took her life post-abortion, overwhelmed by grief.
The journey might be fraught with challenges, but every voice raised and every signature garnered underpins the value of collective determination. As constituents, harnessing this collective influence is paramount.
Bolstering efforts to back MPs who prioritise ethical convictions over party mandates is essential. Furthermore, recognising the intrinsic value of life and providing comprehensive mental health support for women is of utmost importance.
The journey is far from over, AC’s plea to every individual is clear – let’s unite, share, and stand up for the voiceless.