Learn more Position Statements Maryka Groenwald Mike Crichton - Australian Christians Party WA Main

Protecting Family
1. Defend and protect the sanctity and dignity of human life from conception to natural death.
2. Oppose abortion and assisted suicide reforms
3. Abortion: Repeal amendments that: approved abortion on demand and up to birth; removed counselling for mothers; denied protection for babies surviving abortion.
4. Establish funding for support services that enable mothers to keep babies and nurture their children. There is always hope and a future.
5. Expand funding for palliative care services and hospices in metro and regional areas.
Protecting Family
1. Uphold marriage as the bond of union between a man and a woman, as husband and wife.
2. Extend funded counselling and support sessions for families, not just individuals.
3. Support mentoring programs that strengthen the role of fatherhood and the family.
4. Implement programs that avert and reduce domestic violence.
5. Lead an extensive Gender Inquiry to ban puberty blockers for minors.
6. Ensure equitable access to children by both parents (where safe and practicable).
Protecting Family
1. Work alongside First Nations to improve outcomes for Aboriginal communities and children.
2. Partner with local leaders who can inform culturally-appropriate methods to engage with and support children and young people.
3. Support individualised sentencing for young people where complex childhood trauma is considered and long-term rehabilitation plans are developed.
4. We are equally created in God’s image, and should all work towards a community where forgiveness and reconciliation thrives.

1. Improve housing affordability. Zero stamp duty for eligible first home buyers and elderly downsizers.
2. Reduce red tape for business owners and implement a deadline system for government agencies regarding approvals, permits and applications.
3. Remove excessive employment laws, particularly in small to medium-sized businesses.
4. Abolish payroll tax.
5. Introduce income splitting for families.
6. Support limited government, free enterprise and fiscal responsibility that keep the books balanced.

Protecting Education
1. Protect religious freedom in schools.
2. Extend chaplaincy placements within schools.
3. Implement a positive curriculum focused on foundational and core basics, including Judeo-Christian values, rather than radical ideologies.
4. Support the right of parents to home educate their children with sufficient support.
5. Establish a mental health support unit within education that a) supports teachers with individual Education Plans (IEPs) and b) reduces the current administration load on teachers.
Family Policy 2025 Western Australia Elections Young woman - Abolishing Women Bill in Western Australia Petition Perth 2024 - Economic Policy Family standing infront of a cross.

1. Address current service provision and hospital waitlists.
2. Repeal legislation that undermines the biological reality of binary genders.
3. Champion a drug free Australia through early intervention and recovery-based rehabilitation.
4. Restructure a fair and sustainable National Disability 5. Insurance Scheme that supports the most vulnerable.
6. Oppose coercive vaccine mandates which result in loss of personal autonomy, imbalance of power, and loss of individual and families’ livelihoods.

1. Champion regional representation by endorsing regional or rural AC candidates.
2. Ensure basic provisions in health, education and support services are met in regional areas.
3. Protect Australian farm ownership and viability by supporting initiatives that encourage families to remain on farms.
4. A sustainable live exports trade.

1. Introduce ISP filtering on all devices, protecting children in schools, libraries and in homes from viewing harmful content and pornography.
2. Expand funding for holistic mobile care services that work alongside the vulnerable and homeless to address core issues such as addiction and trauma.
3. Drive implementation of legislation based on the Nordic Model.
4. Lobby for a Special Assistance Visa category for persecuted Christians and other minorities (World Watch List identifies 50 countries where Christians face intense persecution because of their faith).
5. Australia should continue being a welcoming country to all people, but citizenship should be sustainable and based on a mutual agreement that embraces our core values and rule of law.
6. Protect girls and women in sports.
7. Support a Royal Commission into the handling of the Covid pandemic.

1. Wisely steward the environment God has given us.
2. Ensure both economically viability and natural sustainably in resource development.
3. Establish an independent, non-governmental scientific body that balances scientific, economic and community impacts when developing policy.

First Nations
1. The Bible provides the basis for Australia’s freedom of religion and conscience.
2. Defend freedom of religion, expression, worship, assembly and thought.
3. Protect religious freedom in schools by allowing schools to employ staff that adhere to its values.
4. Protect the right of parents to instruct and train their children according to The Bible.
FIRST NATIONS ENVIRONEMENTAL POLICY AC HEALTH POLICY Heritage Culture Legislation - How it affects everyone
  1. Defend and protect the sanctity and dignity of human life from conception to natural death. 
  2. Oppose abortion and assisted suicide reforms
  3. Abortion: Repeal amendments that: approved abortion on demand and up to birth; removed counselling for mothers; denied protection for babies surviving abortion.  
  4. Establish funding for support services that enable mothers to keep babies and nurture their children. There is always hope and a future. 
  5. Expand funding for palliative care services and hospices in metro and regional areas.
  1. Uphold marriage as the bond of union between a man and a woman, as husband and wife.
  2. Extend funded counselling and support sessions for families, not just individuals. 
  3. Support mentoring programs that strengthen the role of fatherhood and the family.
  4. Implement programs that avert and reduce domestic violence.
  5. Lead an extensive Gender Inquiry to ban puberty blockers for minors.
  6. Ensure equitable access to children by both parents (where safe and practicable).
Religious Freedom
  1. The Bible provides the basis for Australia’s freedom of religion and conscience.
  2. Defend freedom of religion, expression, worship, assembly and thought.
  3. Protect religious freedom in schools by allowing schools to employ staff that adhere to its values. 
  4. Protect the right of parents to instruct and train their children according to The Bible. 


  1. Improve housing affordability. Zero stamp duty for eligible first home buyers and elderly downsizers. 
  2. Reduce red tape for business owners and implement a deadline system for government agencies regarding approvals, permits and applications.  
  3. Remove excessive employment laws, particularly in small to medium-sized businesses. 
  4. Abolish payroll tax.
  5. Introduce income splitting for families.
  6. Support limited government, free enterprise and fiscal responsibility that keep the books balanced.  
  1. Protect religious freedom in schools. 
  2. Extend chaplaincy placements within schools.   
  3. Implement a positive curriculum focused on foundational and core basics, including Judeo-Christian values, rather than radical ideologies. 
  4. Support the right of parents to home educate their children with sufficient support.
  5. Establish a mental health support unit within education that a) supports teachers with individual Education Plans (IEPs) and b) reduces the current administration load on teachers.
  1. Address current service provision and hospital waitlists.
  2. Repeal legislation that undermines the biological reality of binary genders.   
  3. Champion a drug free Australia through early intervention and recovery-based rehabilitation.
  4. Restructure a fair and sustainable National Disability Insurance Scheme that supports the most vulnerable. 
  5. Oppose coercive vaccine mandates which result in loss of personal autonomy, imbalance of power, and loss of individual and families’ livelihoods. 
Regional Australia
  1. Champion regional representation by endorsing regional or rural AC candidates.
  2. Ensure basic provisions in health, education and support services are met in regional areas.
  3. Protect Australian farm ownership and viability by supporting initiatives that encourage families to remain on farms.    
  4. A sustainable live exports trade.  
  1. Introduce ISP filtering on all devices, protecting children in schools, libraries and in homes from viewing harmful content and pornography.
  2. Expand funding for holistic mobile care services that work alongside the vulnerable and homeless to address core issues such as addiction and trauma.
  3. Drive implementation of legislation based on the Nordic Model.
  4. Lobby for a Special Assistance Visa category for persecuted Christians and other minorities (World Watch List identifies 50 countries where Christians face intense persecution because of their faith).
  5. Australia should continue being a welcoming country to all people, but citizenship should be sustainable and based on a mutual agreement that embraces our core values and rule of law.
  6. Protect girls and women in sports.
  7. Support a Royal Commission into the handling of the Covid pandemic.
First Nations
  1. Work alongside First Nations to improve outcomes for Aboriginal communities and children.
  2. Partner with local leaders who can inform culturally-appropriate methods to engage with and support children and young people. 
  3. Support individualised sentencing for young people where complex childhood trauma is considered and long-term rehabilitation plans are developed.
  4. We are equally created in God’s image, and should all work towards a community where forgiveness and reconciliation thrives. 
  1. Wisely steward the environment God has given us. 
  2. Ensure both economically viability and natural sustainably in resource development.
  3. Establish an independent, non-governmental scientific body that balances scientific, economic and community impacts when developing policy. 

Mother and child


Take a stand against the inhumane treatment of babies and children. 

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