Australians from the left and the right united in celebration this week as the Albanese Government axed its deeply unpopular “misinformation” bill.

The ill-advised legislation would have forced social media platforms to gag everyday Aussies, even as it gave generous carve-outs to “professional” media outlets and government.

Fortunately, enough cross-benchers were convinced by their constituents to vote no. Then, when the Greens caught wind of developments, they withdrew support, and the house of cards came tumbling down.

It is an indictment on our country and government that international figures like billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk and independent American journalist Michael Shellenberger spoke up against the bill.

Indeed, Shellenberger flew all the way to Australia to warn us of the imminent dangers of such legislation:

Responding to a report about Labor’s “misinformation” bill, Elon Musk tweeted, “They want legacy media to continue to deceive the people of Australia, just as they were deceived about @realDonaldTrump.”

The bill’s defeat is a great outcome of course, but it’s mostly thanks to the Australian people, not the parties that supposedly represent them.

Looking across our nation’s political landscape, it’s not just Labor but also the Coalition that has bought into the false category of “misinformation” — which is little more than Orwellian code for dissenting viewpoints.

Likewise, cross-benchers had to be coaxed to reject the bill, and far from acting on principle, the Greens’ eleventh hour reversal was mostly about saving their political hide.

Do you want to know which party you can trust to stand up for freedom of speech? Australian Christians have your back. If the “misinformation” bill saga has taught Australians one thing, it’s this: stop voting for the major parties and the other compromised minor parties. Vote 1 Australian Christians.

This isn’t the first time the Albanese Government got egg on its face for pushing legislation the Australian people overwhelmingly opposed.

Recall last year’s Voice to Parliament referendum, when around 60 per cent of Australians voted no in the face of media, corporate and political bullying.

And as we’ve seen this week, though the Labor Government hoped to rush its social media minimum age bill through parliament by providing just 24 hours for public feedback, some 15,000 submissions rushed in, most of them critical.

Of course, Australian Christians agrees that young people are exposed to many harms on social media platforms. But we believe that parents, not the state, are best placed to manage children’s access to the internet. Like many others, we are also vigilant about this legislation representing a back-door effort to force Digital ID on all Australians, not to mention the many privacy pitfalls this bill creates.

It’s time for Australians to start asking why their government is tinkering with identity politics and internet censorship when so many are struggling to afford their rent or mortgage. Why is so much unpopular legislation being foisted on us? Why are both major parties in on the act?

Because of our commitment to the fundamental freedoms of Australians, we at AC are cheering for a trifecta Labor defeat. Our hope is that Labor’s social media ban goes the same way as the Voice and the “misinformation” bill before it.

Australians might currently be victim to bad leadership, but we don’t need to stay victims.

Here is our encouragement to you: join Australian Christians. Become a member today. Let’s push back against the tide of bad bills and lousy leadership.

Christians across Australia are waking up. They are realising that the time for political games has come to an end and the time for discernment is here.

Be a voice. Join Australian Christians today!

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