Tracey Purser | Girrawheen

Candidate for Girrawheen

Suburbs of:

Marangaroo, Alexander Heights, Girrawheen, Koondoola, Balga, Mirrabooka

Tracey, originally from Zimbabwe, has lived on three continents and made Australia home 12 years ago. A devoted wife to Sterling and mother to Nia, she is a passionate advocate for justice and righteousness.

With 13 years in the university sector and a Diploma in Ministry, Tracey combines professional expertise with a heart for serving others, recently managing a not-for-profit office and volunteers.

Committed to protecting life and advocating for the voiceless, Tracey believes faith, prayer, and action are vital for meaningful change. Her mission is to leave a legacy of values for future generations.

Suburbs of:

Marangaroo, Alexander Heights, Girrawheen, Koondoola, Balga, Mirrabooka

Mother and child


Take a stand against the inhumane treatment of babies and children. 

Thank you for becoming part of the solution.