Kerry Stewart | Dawesville
Candidate for Dawesville
Suburbs of:
Dawesville, Erskine, Falcon, Halls Head, Wannanup, Clifton, Herron
Kerry and her husband, Mark, have lived in Dawesville for 23 years. During this time, they established and pastored churches, and hosted parenting programs. Kerry is a local and passionate about strengthening the family unit and the wellbeing of children.
Kerry also works as a nanny. She currently volunteers for People Who Care in Mandurah – an organisation which offers support and relief to the elderly. She finds this most rewarding as the elderly are often the forgotten generation in our society and enjoys serving them every week. Kerry is passionate about serving and caring for people. She believes those qualities should go hand-in-hand in the Christian life and are essentials if seeking political office.
Suburbs of:
Dawesville, Erskine, Falcon, Halls Head, Wannanup, Clifton, Herron