James Rai | Churchlands

Candidate for Churchlands

Suburbs of:

City Beach, Wembley Downs, Scaborough, Doubleview, Woodlands, City of Stirling, Innaloo. Osborne Park, Herdsman, Glendalough, Town of Cambridge, Floreat, Wembley, West Leederville

James is a high school teacher with over 13 years’ experience teaching in Singapore and Australia. He has over 20 years of experience mentoring youth, leading youth ministries, serving in the Boy’s Brigade and as a Deacon in church. He strongly believes in educating the next generation and helping them find a sense of purpose in life.

James migrated to Perth 7 years ago with his wife and 2 children. He is dedicated to defending the Christian faith and ensuring all Christians have a safe space to live their values and thrive. He is committed to protecting the hiring rights of Christian schools, supporting strong family units, and helping those in need of recovery to regain their way of life and become active members of society.

James believes that Christian values and principles can be safeguarded by the voice of the people – your vote has value. James aims to inspire the next generation and influence policies to uphold life, family, faith, and freedom.

Suburbs of:

City Beach, Wembley Downs, Scaborough, Doubleview, Woodlands, Innaloo. Osborne Park, Herdsman, Glendalough, Town of Cambridge, Floreat, Wembley, West Leederville

Mother and child


Take a stand against the inhumane treatment of babies and children. 

Thank you for becoming part of the solution.