The use of puberty blocking medication on children confused about their sexuality has become immensely fashionable in recent years. However, Australian Family Court judges have been warned that the drugs, which are also used to chemically castrate violent sex offenders, could be contributing to the “worst medical scandal in 100 years”, according to The Australian

The alarm was sounded in a legal paper compiled by top Victorian family law barrister Belle Lane. In April, Lane urged judges of the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia to consider “new evidence at odds with current legal frameworks governing cases of gender-dysphoric children”.

Australia’s major political parties have remained either silent or supportive of the chemical castration of the nation’s children — a reminder of the need for alternatives at the ballot box. The Australian Christians aren’t afraid to name the abuse taking place for what it is and push back against our culture’s gender madness. But we need your help to make our voice heard in Australia’s parliaments.

Claimed by its supporters to be settled science, the deceptively-named “gender-affirming model of care” has become embedded as a legal precedent in Australian law. It has been promoted widely by prominent Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne pediatrician Michelle Telfer.

In her report, Lane reveals that this “gold standard” model, which spread from the Netherlands in the late 1990s, was based on an extraordinarily small sample of patients. It has now been critically reassessed in several countries, leading to much-needed law reforms — reforms she says Australia desperately needs, too.

In her report, she writes:

There are significant concerns about quality and applicability of the Dutch studies to the current cohort of children presenting at gender clinics. Many of the children have complex mental health, neurodiversity, and adverse childhood experiences. Most of these children would have been excluded under the original Dutch protocol, however now almost all the safeguards of the original Dutch protocols have been removed. Treatment is now based on a child’s subjective identity in a child-led process, a situation unheard of in other areas of medicine.

The Dutch studies would not meet the standards of evidence-based medicine today.

The asserted positive results of the Dutch studies are questioned and have not been able to be repeated in subsequent studies, yet the gender-affirming treatment pathway remains. Over time, awareness of risks of harm of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgery have increased and underlying assumptions such as puberty blockers acting as a pause have been ­discredited.

Lane will present her report to the Victorian Bar association, after which it will be made public to all members of the Australian family law profession over the coming months.

Her report also quotes University of Queensland emeritus professor of law Patrick Parkinson, who has warned that Australian courts have long been told “things which aren’t actually true” about the use of puberty blockers on young Australians.

“They‘ve been told there was no controversy about this stuff,” he said, adding, “Courts have been told for years that puberty blockers are entirely reversible, and they aren’t. They are reversible in part… but they were never authorised for this purpose.”

Parkinson has cautioned that a “massive liability bill” awaits if Australia continues on its current path.

In Matthew 18:6, Jesus warned in no uncertain terms that “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”

The “medical treatment” being inflicted on confused Australian youth who are too young to count the future consequences is exactly the kind of abuse Jesus would have had in mind when he spoke these words.

Few political leaders and political parties are willing to speak the truth about this issue and defend the children being subjected to this state-sanctioned abuse. The Australian Christians are an exception. We invite your support and your vote to make a difference on this issue today.

Mother and child


Take a stand against the inhumane treatment of babies and children. 

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