Gaye Burnett | Maylands
Candidate for Maylands
Suburbs of:
Bayswater, Bedford, Embleton, Inglewood, Maylands, Morley
Australian born and growing up in Perth, with Diplomas in Fashion Design, Community Services and Theology, Gaye is passionate about all things Australian, but especially, as she has been a single parent and victim of domestic violence, in building strong families and communities, where most of her paid and volunteer work has been focussed. These include areas in schools, age and disability care, mental health, prisons, hospice, lifeline, Maylands Shopfront, soup kitchen, pastoral work in her church and currently at a large emergency relief outlet talking to hundreds of people in need.
Why politics? Because only a change in Government policy will provide homes for increasing numbers of homeless, more care for those suffering from mental health issues, seriously address domestic violence abuse to women and children and all the other multitude of situations that people need their voices to be heard and acted upon.
Suburbs of:
Bayswater, Bedford, Embleton, Inglewood, Maylands, Morley