Let’s join together in peace and solidarity at WA Parliament to:

  • uphold the dignity of all lives from conception to natural death
  • remember 200,000 WA lives lost to legalised abortion since 1998, and the ~27 WA babies born alive and left to die
  • love and support those in difficult situations

This year’s rally is chaired by Darryl Budge of FamilyVoice Australia and Maryka Groenewald our State Director at Australian Christians. Martyn Illes from ACL will also be joining as one of our keynotes speakers.

Please bring to the rally four items of baby or toddler clothing per person to hold up during a minute of silence.  These clothing items, to be held up by the crowd, will commemorate the loss of 8,000 innocent WA babies killed annually; and acknowledge the pain experienced by mothers, fathers and others directly or indirectly involved in abortion.

A peaceful remembrance on Wed 11 May 2022 @ WA Parliament – Harvest Tce, West Perth.

Please pre-register your attendance at https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/rally-for-life-perth-2022-tickets-304551761517

Let’s make this years Rally for Life the biggest yet! Love them both.

Mother and child


Take a stand against the inhumane treatment of babies and children. 

Thank you for becoming part of the solution.

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